The Torah

BIB502-1 The Book of Genesis – Unit 1

This foundational unit covers Genesis Chapters 1 through 11, and thus includes the Creation, the Fall of Man, the Flood of Noah, and the Tower of Babel, etc. It devotes entire sessions on each of the Days of Creation, and explores recent perspectives from Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, quantum physics, and other scientific advances. The more one understands the current frontiers of science, the more one is comfortable with the way Genesis One reads.

Course Objectives:

  • Emphasize integrity of design of the entire Bible and its extraterrestrial origin
  • Explore many explicit and implicit allusions to the Messiah of Israel found in the Torah
  • Discover messages hidden beneath the direct text itself

Required Materials:
1) Expositional Commentary on the Book of Genesis (MP3 CD-ROM or DVD is recommended as they include computer-aided visuals)

2) A good Bible translation (not a paraphrase).

Duration: 12 sessions
Credit: 3 credit hours   REGISTER HERE

BIB502-2 The Book of Genesis – Unit 2

This course is a verse-by-verse exposition of Genesis 12 through 50, from the call of Abraham to the story of Joseph in Egypt. The saga of the Patriarchs—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the origin of the “Twelve” Tribes—is reviewed as preparation for the Nation through which the Messiah would come. (“The volume of the Book is written of me.”)

The prophetic aspects of the Genesis record, including Hebrew remises (“types”), are explored. The Abrahamic Covenant—which is being challenged on the world scene today—is carefully analyzed. (Even the encryption of the genealogy of David in Genesis 38 is reviewed.)

This study is an essential foundation for the study of the entire Bible from both an historical and eschatological viewpoint.

Course Objectives:

  • Emphasize integrity of design of the entire Bible and its extraterrestrial origin
  • Explore many explicit and implicit allusions to the Messiah of Israel found in the Torah
  • Discover messages hidden beneath the direct text itself

Required Materials:
1) Expositional Commentary on the Book of Genesis (MP3 CD-ROM or DVD is recommended as they include computer-aided visuals)

2) A good Bible translation (not a paraphrase).

Duration: 12 sessions
Credit: 3 credit hours    REGISTER HERE

BIB503-1 The Book of Exodus – Unit 1

What is the greatest thing that God has done? Some may say “creation”, yet, how many books are devoted to the topic of creation? Primarily, Genesis, some Psalms, a couple of chapters in Job, Isaiah, etc. There is another act of God that is more profound than creation, which is redemption!

The Book of Exodus is the bedrock of God’s plan of redemption, and is seen as a ‘type’ of the early church. It is also an adventure of discovery, since the dramatic narrative is laced with numerous hidden messages in the form of microcodes and macrocodes, each anticipating the New Testament climax.

Course Objectives:

  • Explore why Exodus is the bedrock of God’s plan of redemption and is seen as a ‘type’ of the early church
  • Examine how the dramatic narrative is laced with numerous hidden messages, each anticipating the New Testament climax

Required Materials:
1) Expositional Commentary on the Book of Exodus (MP3 CD-ROM)

2) A good Bible translation (not a paraphrase).

Duration: 8 sessions
Credit: 2 credit hours     REGISTER HERE

BIB503-2 The Book of Exodus – Unit 2

Exodus 2 continues to explore a foundational book of the Torah, which chronicles the birth of the nation through whom God would bring the Messiah, the Redeemer of all mankind. In Genesis, the family of the Patriarchs entered Egypt; in Exodus, they emerge as a nation.

In this book many fundamental Biblical foundations are established: The Law, including the Ten Commandments, and the Tabernacle and its seven furnishings. Also, numerous macrocodes (types) are encountered: the burning bush, manna, the two rock fountains, and many others.

Pivotal, of course, is the Passover, which, in addition to its historical role for the nation, becomes a primary emblem of the Messiah: John the Baptist introduces Jesus publicly by declaring, “Behold the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world.” Prophecies of, and allusions to, Jesus Christ are on every page. This book of redemption is an essential background for every serious Christian.

Course Objectives:

  • Examine the duty, which redemption implies
  • Explore the Tabernacle and how it was established for Israel as a recognition that they would stumble 
  • Understand how the Tabernacle was the place for the cleansing and the reestablishment for fellowship, just as Jesus is our Tabernacle

Required Materials:
1) Expositional Commentary on the Book of Exodus (MP3 CD-ROM)

2) A good Bible translation (not a paraphrase).

Duration: 8 sessions
Credit: 2 credit hours         REGISTER HERE

BIB504-1 The Book of Leviticus – Unit 1

The book of Leviticus is the only book of the Bible specifically focused on holiness. It isn’t just for Jewish priests: Paul enjoins us, ‘For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.’ (Romans 15:4)

This book details the precepts of God’s Law: its standards, conduct, and the penalties attached to violations. It details sacrifices, all of which anticipate the ultimate sacrifice: the Cross.

This study will highlight textual details that will illuminate many overlooked subtleties in the New Testament record. Again, here is an essential book for every serious Christian. Fasten your seat belts! It’s going to be an exciting and highly privileged excursion!

Course Objectives:

  • Discover why a number of Biblical experts regard the Book of Leviticus as the most important book of the Bible
  • Examine why Leviticus cannot simply be “read;” it has to be studied
  • Explore why the Jew’s catechism is his calendar, and how each element is not only commemorative of past historical events, it is also prophetic: “a shadow of things to come.” (Col 2:17; Heb 10:1)

Required Materials:
1) Expositional Commentary on the Book of Leviticus (MP3 CD-ROM)

2) A good Bible translation (not a paraphrase).

Duration: 8 sessions
Credit: 2 credit hours         REGISTER HERE

BIB504-2 The Book of Leviticus – Unit 2

The book of Leviticus is the only book of the Bible specifically focused on holiness. It isn’t just for Jewish priests: Paul enjoins us, “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.” (Romans 15:4)

Unit 2 continues to examine the precepts of God’s Law: its standards, conduct, and the penalties attached to violations. It details sacrifices, all of which anticipate the ultimate sacrifice: the Cross.

This study will highlight textual details that will illuminate many overlooked subtleties in the New Testament record. Again, here is an essential book for every serious Christian. Fasten your seat belts! It’s going to be an exciting and highly privileged excursion!

Course Objectives:

  • Discover why a number of Biblical experts regard the Book of Leviticus as the most important book of the Bible
  • Examine why Leviticus cannot simply be “read;” it has to be studied
  • Understand the work of Christ in redemption

Required Materials:
1) Expositional Commentary on the Book of Leviticus (MP3 CD-ROM)

2) A good Bible translation (not a paraphrase).

Duration: 8 sessions
Credit: 2 credit hours        REGISTER HERE

BIB505 The Book of Numbers

Another of the foundational books of the Torah, this book also exemplifies Paul’s admonition to Christian believers: “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.” (Romans 15:4)

It took only three days to get Israel out of Egypt, but it took 40 years to get “Egypt” out of Israel! This book is a chronicle of failures—38 years of exile that should never have happened, but for their lack of faith—and which has crucial lessons of each of us as Christians today. The study also explores hidden surprises in the text itself.

Course Objectives:

  • Emphasize integrity of design of the entire Bible and its extraterrestrial origin
  • Explore many explicit and implicit allusions to the Messiah of Israel found in the Torah
  • Discover messages hidden beneath the direct text itself

Required Materials:
1) Expositional Commentary on the Book of Numbers (MP3 CD-ROM or DVD is recommended as they include computer-aided visuals)

2) A good Bible translation (not a paraphrase).

Duration: 8 sessions
Credit: 2 credit hours      REGISTER HERE

BIB506-1 The Book of Deuteronomy – Unit 1

The Book of Deuteronomy is essentially a series of sermons by the greatest Old Testament prophet, Moses. Regarded as the “Book of Romans” of the Torah, his review of the Law includes such crucial issues as; the legitimacy of war, the role of capital punishment, divorce, proper forms of worship, keeping the Sabbath, etc. But, surprising for many are its prophetic aspects; Israel’s future-with an astonishing prediction of the Holocaust, the Diaspora, etc.

Jesus Himself quoted more from Deuteronomy than from any other portion of the Old Testament and New Testament authors spoke of Moses more frequently than any other Old Testament person. It is an apt conclusion to the most venerated portion of the Old Testament.

Course Objectives:

  • Examine God’s primary message of love not legalism through His servant Moses
  • Discover “types” and “macrocodes” found throughout
  • Explore the roles of the Goel, Kinsman-Redeemer, cities of refuge, levirate marriage, and the many calendar issues

Required Materials:
1) Expositional Commentary on the Book of Deuteronomy (MP3 CD-ROM)

2) A good Bible translation (not a paraphrase).

Duration: 8 sessions
Credit: 2 credit hours       REGISTER HERE

BIB506-2 The Book of Deuteronomy – Unit 2

Deuteronomy Unit 2, continues through the Book of Deuteronomy by studying Chapters 19-34. Essentially a series of sermons, the book of Deuteronomy was written by the greatest Old Testament prophet, Moses. Regarded as the “Book of Romans” of the Torah, his review of the Law includes such crucial issues as; the legitimacy of war, the role of capital punishment, divorce, proper forms of worship, keeping the Sabbath, etc. But, surprising for many are its prophetic aspects; Israel’s future—with an astonishing prediction of the Holocaust, the Diaspora, etc.

Jesus Himself quoted more from Deuteronomy than from any other portion of the Old Testament and New Testament authors spoke of Moses more frequently than any other Old Testament person. It is an apt conclusion to the most venerated portion of the Old Testament.

Course Objectives:

  • Examine God’s primary message of love not legalism through His servant Moses
  • Discover “types” and “macrocodes” found throughout
  • Explore the roles of the Goel, Kinsman-Redeemer, cities of refuge, levirate marriage, and the many calendar issues

Required Materials:
1) Expositional Commentary on the Book of Deuteronomy (MP3 CD-ROM)

2) A good Bible translation (not a paraphrase).

Duration: 8 sessions
Credit: 2 credit hours       REGISTER HERE

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