
BIB547-1 The Book of Revelation – Unit 1

The Book of Revelation is the only book of the Bible that has the “audacity” to claim, “Read me, I’m special.” It is the only book that pronounces a special blessing to the student. Yet, ironically, it is often the least studied against the overall fabric of the Bible. It contains 404 verses, which include over 800 allusions from the Old Testament alone. (Perhaps that is why it often appears so strange to the New Testament reader.) The pursuit of these allusions, and “codes,” will take the diligent student into virtually every other book of the Bible.

Unit 1 focuses on the most relevant section of the Book for the contemporary New Testament reader: the Seven Letters to the Seven Churches. Four levels of significance are explored, including the history, in advance, of the entire Ecclesia, the Church.

Course Objectives:

  • Focus on the Seven Letters to the Seven Churches
  • Explore four levels of significance, including history in advance of the entire Church

Required Materials:
1) Expositional Commentary on the Book of Revelation (MP3 CD-ROM or DVD is recommended as they include computer-aided visuals)

2) A good Bible translation (not a paraphrase).

Duration: 12 sessions
Credit: 3 credit hours      REGISTER HERE

BIB547-2 The Book of Revelation – Unit 2

This course continues the exploration of the Book of Revelation by examining what appears to be an amplification of the “Seventieth Week” of Daniel. Unit 2 focuses on the events occurring within, and subsequent to, this most documented period of time in both the Old and New Testaments. Some of the most prevalent eschatological controversies are summarized.

Course Objectives:

  • Focus on the events occurring within and subsequent to this most documented period of time in both the Old and New Testaments
  • Explore some of the most prevalent eschatological controversies of today

Required Materials:
1) Expositional Commentary on the Book of Revelation (MP3 CD-ROM or DVD is recommended as they include computer-aided visuals)

2) A good Bible translation (not a paraphrase).

Duration: 12 sessions
Credit: 3 credit hours      REGISTER HERE

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