Operation Lampstand

Operation Lampstand is the Artist Development Programme of LHI involved in supporting Christian Artist to develop their call and ministry while staying true to biblical principles. As Christian Music and Worship seeks to exalt and glorify God, brand development constitutes one of the most important processes in defining who you are as a Christian artist. Thus, Operation Lampstand helps the Christian artist to develop themselves while refraining from secular practices and principles. This programme targets the promotion of purity and holiness in the lifestyle of the artist. As the Lampstand is always well-polished and filled with oil during tabernacle worship, Operation Lampstand serves to sanctify and fill the Christian artist with the Holy Spirit during their music making and presenting process.

The focus of this service is on individual character development and a spiritually-grounded personal relationship with God. It involves training, development, and coaching in various areas such as:

  1. Brand Development
  2. Songwriting
  3. Music Production
  4. Promotion and Marketing
  5. Networking
  6. Live Performance
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