Operation 1 Million Initiative

What is this Initiative?

Operation 1 Million Initiative is the knowledge, skills and relationship development focus area of Builders Incubator. It targets the identification and launching of new businesses and entrepreneurs, the development of specific knowledge and skills vital in running a business biblically, and supporting and equipping entrepreneurs in the development of a profound relationship with Jesus Christ.

The initiative focuses on establishing a network of business leaders who make the commitment to doing business under the slogan of “My Business My Ministry, My Clients My Mission Field”

This means striving to do business God’s Way: implementing biblical principles, leading and enabling others to grow, and sowing into other non-market place ministries.

Through the initiative, Candlelighters International is targeting to engage and or incubate and birth 1,000,000 Christian Entrepreneurs globally.

Within the broader mission of Candlelighters International, Operation 1,000,000, will not only bring Christian business leaders and entrepreneurs together in order to promote cross-fertilization that is mutual in nature, but will also work to equip such leaders with the truth proper to the Word of God, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Translations: French German (coming soon)

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