Levites House Initiative: Introduction

Levites House Initiative (LHI) is a Christian Music Development and Promotion programme of Candlelighters International. LHI is a support services provision programme that strives to promote the reconsideration of holy and pure biblical principles and practices of worship within the Body of Christ. This is done through the equipping and accompanying of a generation of Christian music and worship practitioners with the vital knowledge, skills, and channels to develop and discharge their ministry; while staying true to sacred biblical principles.

Our Slogan: Within the broader Candlelighters International slogan of “Lighting Your Fire: One Person at a Time”, and through the framework of our conviction, our understanding, our target, and our operational questions, Levites House Initiative operates under the sub-slogan of:

“Differentiating the Holy from the Profane: Discerning the Unclean from the Clean” (Eze. 44:23 KJV).

Justification for the Programme Development

It obvious that in recent years, the Body of Christ has not been able to slow down or reverse the intense secularisation of sacred Christian music and church worship. There is an ongoing mixing of the sacred and the secular, causing Christian Music, particularly Worship, to lose its intended ability and potency to usher people into the presence of a Holy God. This secularisation is done either for direct worship or general entertainment. Most often, promoters of such secularisation usually revolve around the big debate and question: what makes a music Christian? The “sounds” or the “Lyrics”?

The existence of such a debate opened the door for a significant adoption of a seeker-friendly approach by a large section of the Body of Christ. This permitted Christian music and worship practitioners to entrench their music and worship with new beats, rhythms, and tunes of the secular and profane world. This was done with the hope that it will permit the church to reach out to the world, spreading the good news of Jesus Christ with the intention of saving souls. But it is obvious that this has not been the case. Instead, for the last half a century, secular practices and principles of music have been overshadowing the sacred biblical principles. What efforts could be made to reverse this catastrophic orientation?

Current Challenges Involving Christian Music and Worship

  1. Intense seeker-friendly mixing of the sacred and the secular in Christian Music for church worship. Similar to many other aspects of the Christian faith and practice, there is a significant lack of understanding or loss of biblical principles of True Worship. Also, most of the churches seem to have lost the ability to or understanding on how to conduct worship in a manner that brings people into the presence of God.
  2. The Body of Christ and its churches have been losing significant portion of its musical talents and resources to the worldly systems, mostly due to poor talent management; poor spiritual grounding and preparation to face the world outside of worship services.
  3. Significant reduction in the utilization of Christian musical talents in innovative evangelistic activities out of the church worship sessions.

LHI Programme Strategy


Translation: French, German (Coming Soon)

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