Some Questions

Responding to Some of your Questions

Like most of us, we were once where you are now. Lots of questions and difficult moments in daily life always present very challenging circumstances in our new life in Christ. As we are different individuals, so too are challenges and life stories are different. Therefore, in as much as we have had some specific kinds of support and information to help us go through such moments that happen in the lives of all new believers, we will not engage on a one-size-fit-all response to these questions. We will present you with pointers and some relevant information, in the form of articles and studies, in a way that will permit you to engage into a dialogue with the Holy Spirit (the revealer of all truths), in order to seek answers to your issues directly.

Yes, you will here our stories and our testimonies experienced along this fascinating journey. You will have a circle of believers around you, but our ultimate target will be to help you becoming grounded in a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit.

You are very special and we are very pleased to serve you. If you can find your question here, please send it to us, and with the fastest duration possible, our team will respond to it.

QUESTIONS (The response(s) to these questions are COMING SOON as attached documents)

Am I Really Forgiven?

Can Jesus Love Me?

What Does My Salvation Really Mean?

What Is Salvation, Justification, Sanctification?

I Feel At Times As if I Am Not Saved and Forgiven?

I Feel Lonely, My Old Friends Are Avoiding Me, What Can I Do?

How Can I Be A Good Christian?

 Really is Faith: What Is It?

I Don’t Know How To Pray?

How Can I know The Holy Spirit?

What Is Baptism? What Is Baptism Of The Holy Spirit?

Must I Speak In Tongues?

How Do I Study The Bible?

Overcoming These Sins: What A Failure Am I?

Must I Have A Local Church?

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