Introduction to Bible Studies and the Bible

I502 How We Got Our Bible

This course reviews the origin of both the Old and New Testaments in light of recent discoveries and controversies.

Course Objectives: This course will answer your questions about

  • Where did our Bible come from? How good are the texts?
  • Why do we believe its origin is supernatural?
  • How do we know that it really is the Word of God?
  • How was the “Canon” defined?
  • How accurate are our translations?
  • Which version is the best?

Required Materials:
1) How We Got Our Bible DVD
2) A good Bible translation (not a paraphrase).

Duration: 2 Sessions
Credit: 1 credit hour       REGISTER HERE

I503 How to Study the Bible

This course focuses on providing helpful secrets and practical suggestions on how to take the Bible seriously.

Most Christians, although they want to do in-depth Bible study, know little of the types, philosophies and tools of study available. Is the Bible to be taken literally or figuratively? What study aids would be most helpful in beginning my own home study library?

Go through the Bible book by book. “Eat the elephant one bite at a time.” These studies produce the most lasting results. Recognize there is a balance in the “whole counsel of God” as our risen Lord demonstrated on the Emmaus Road in Luke 24:27.

Where to Start?

A good “first book” is the Gospel of John: “A child can wade in it and an elephant can bathe in it!” Other good starting points include Genesis, Acts, Matthew, Daniel, and Revelation (Which is the only book which unequivocally promises a blessing to the reader). You are unique: let the Spirit lead you.

Course Objectives: This course will answer your questions about

  • Which translation is best?
  • Which Study Bible should I use?
  • Which commentaries and other aids are the most useful?      

Required Materials:
1) How to Study the Bible

2) A good Bible translation (not a paraphrase).

Duration: 2 Sessions
Credit: 1 credit hour      REGISTER HERE

BIB501-1 Survey of the Old Testament

Using sound scientific facts, historical analysis, and Biblical narrative, this course weaves together a rich tapestry of information, providing an accurate understanding of Scripture’s relation to itself, to us, and to the world at large. This class will lead the student through the entire Old Testament in a logical systematic manner. This overview of the Old Testament will emphasize the integrity of design as well as an introduction to conservative hermeneutics with an emphasis on inerrancy and using the Bible to interpret itself.

Course Objectives:

  • The Torah
  • The Historical Books
  • The Poetical Books
  • The Major Prophets
  • The Minor Prophets
  • The identity and role of the Messiah of Israel
  • Recent scientific and archaeological discoveries

Required Materials:
1) Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (MP3 CD-ROM or DVD is recommended as they include over 1400 computer-aided diagrams, charts, etc.)

2) A good Bible translation (not a paraphrase).

Duration: 12 sessions
Credit: 3 credit hours       REGISTER HERE

BIB501-2 Survey of the New Testament

Using sound scientific facts, historical analysis, and Biblical narrative, this course weaves together a rich tapestry of information, providing an accurate understanding of Scripture’s relation to itself, to us, and to the world at large.

This class will lead the student through the entire New Testament in a logical systematic manner. This overview of the New Testament will emphasize the integrity of design as well as an introduction to conservative hermeneutics with an emphasis on inerrancy and using the Bible to interpret itself.

Course Objectives:

  • Review the consolidated geographic presentation of the four Gospels
  • Explore the distinctive perspectives of each Gospel
  • Understand the essential messages in each of the Epistles
  • Identify Revelation as the essential capstone of the entire Bible which began in Genesis
  • Analysis of origins of the Biblical text and critique of modern texts

Required Materials:
1) Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (MP3 CD-ROM or DVD is recommended as they include over 1400 computer-aided diagrams, charts, etc.)

2) A good Bible translation (not a paraphrase).

Duration: 12 sessions
Credit: 3 credit hours       REGISTER HERE

I501 Death of Discernment

Of all the end-time themes discussed in the Bible – such as global disasters (Mt 24), the rise of the global super-state, the identity of the Antichrist, the mark of the beast, and the Magog invasion (Ezek. 38-39) – “Deception and apostasy in the church” is listed more times than any other end-time “sign of the times.”

Are we currently living in the Age of Apostasy?

Course Objectives:

  • To recognize the Evidence of Apostasy in the Church
  • To explore the Causes of Apostasy in our day
  • Discover the Antidote for Apostasy

Required Materials:
1) Death of Discernment DVD

2) A good Bible translation (not a paraphrase).

Duration: 2 Sessions
Credit: 1 credit hour         REGISTER HERE

K501 Discovering God

The beginning of a person’s reconciliation with God is their recognition of God. The argument for and against the existence of God has raged for ages. Yet proving the existence of God is an understanding that comes from an “aggregate of thoughts” knit together with “summary logic.”

Course Objectives: This course will answer questions like –

  • Can the existence of God be proven?
  • What are the classic arguments for the existence of God?
  • If an infinite God exists, how can He be understood by finite man?

Duration: 2 Sessions

Credit: 1 credit hour       REGISTER HERE

K502 The Love of God

Every major theistic religion in the world encourages its followers to “Love God” which is usually expressed through religious rituals. Christianity alone tells its followers that “God Loves them.” This love is understood and enjoyed through a personal relationship with Him. God’s Love for us creates a Love for God which creates a Love for God’s ways.

Course Objectives: This course will answer questions like:

  • What is Love and where can we find it?
  • If God is a loving god, why is there suffering in the world?
  • Why does God love us?

Duration: 2 Sessions

Credit: 1 credit hour        REGISTER HERE

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