Today’s Devotion

In all we do, our ultimate target is to help your in increasing your daily time in the presence of God, by at least 5%.

Our Daily Devotions come to you from inspirational and spiritually rich write ups and presentations put together by our Editorial Board.

It is not just another preaching or another teaching. It is a solid presentation of the living Word of God to you, with a focus on answering these and many more questions:

  1. How can we present a channel to you today, through which the Holy Spirit can bring you in and unto the foot of the thrown of God for daily worship?
  2. What is it in each presentation that is Soul stimulating and Spirit grounding that will help you see the everlasting Truth Proper to the Word of God, within this day and age?
  3. How can we help you come to a point where living for Christ Moment by Moment becomes evident to you and the desire for a deeper relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit, becomes a daily affair?
  4. How can we get you to listen beyond the written text, to what the Holy Spirit is about to release to you for this day and for that particular spiritual journey you are engaging?

Click Here for Today’s Devotional


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