Men’s Bootcamp: Introduction

The Men’s ministry of Candlelighters International is considered to be a Men’s Bootcamp as it targets the intentional development of the masculine traits, family leadership qualities and family spiritual leadership coverage. As such, utilize our approach of connecting, discipling and challenging, and presenting the possibility of the Holy Spirit’s transformative work on their spirit, soul and body.

Men’s Bootcamp Approach


Engage                Equip                       Empower

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In Candlelighters International, our main target will be to make available resources and opportunities that have the potential to Connect, Disciple, Challenge and Transform men in a manner that Engage, Equip and Empower them.

In ENGAGING, we shall put in place innovative approaches and platforms within and through which men will be brought together to drive their common advancement in all aspects of the Masculine Calling.

In EQUIPPING, we shall make available to men the vital tools and training they needs to know and related with their God, to know and understand their true identity, and to prepare and push back on false identity currently being forced on men.

In EMPOWERING, we shall focus on generating within the men, strong self-confidence in fulfilling the Masculine Calling, as well as a deep relationship and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

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